I grew up camping.   My family used to go camping nearly every other weekend during the summer
months.   Now that I've become an adult, I still enjoy camping.   Things have changed in my
camping style though.   When I first started camping on my own, I set out with a small 2 person
tent and a 1 burner stove.   I've upgraded my camping equipment over the years.   Now I head off
to the great outdoors with a 25-foot camping trailer complete with a 3 burner stove, oven, microwave oven,
central ducted heat and air conditioning, hot & cold running water, self contained shower and flush
I've raised my daughter to have a love of camping as well.   When she was little more than 3-months
old, she went camping for the first time.   I've taken her nearly every summer since and she always
looked forward to our trips.
Often, campgrounds will offer simple family entertainment on the premises.   Many have swimming
pools and game rooms for the kids.   Often, they will have planned activities on the weekends
also that will teach the kids (and adults) about nature in an entertaining way.   Other campgrounds
will have a community bonfire on Saturday nights complete with story telling, singing and games.  
Still other campgrounds will have a good old fashioned barn dance on Friday or Saturday night
with local musicians providing the music.   Heck, even if you don't dance, the music is good
enough to sit back and listen to.
Camping with friends can add an extra dimension to your enjoyment.   With nightly potluck dinners
at each others campsites, sharing the exploring of local tourist attractions or just plain
relaxing around the campfire, it always seems more fun when you're with good company.   But even
if you don't bring your friends along, fellow campers are friendly and many a new long term
friendship has developed between campgound neighbors in a single weekend.
Let's not overlook the romantic aspect of camping.   For the couple that can get away from the
kids for a weekend, spending a quiet couple of days away from the phone, shopping malls and
chores to cuddle and walk hand in hand through the forest or along a gently rolling stream
can have a magical effect.
If none of what I've said so far has convinced you, let me hit you with this parting thought
on the subject.   Food cooked and eaten outdoors always tastes better!
Ham Radio
If you didn't already know it, I am a ham radio operator.   Often though, because of my hectic
lifestyle at home, I don't get to spend much time pursuing my hobby.   When I am camping, I have
plenty of time to devote to it.   One of my main interests in ham radio is the pursuit of "special
event" stations.   Since most of them operate on the weekends and holidays, it works out quite
well as that is when I am usually camping.   Since ham radio is mostly a listening activity for
me, I can catch up on my reading while listening.   I must admit though, that is a "learned"
ability, but oddly enough, one that most ham operators share.
Model Railroading
I'm sure this one got you thinking.   No, I don't take a model railroad layout with me when I go
camping.   I use the free time to build structures (buildings) and rolling stock (rail cars).   I
have a small fishing tackle box I carry with me that has all the tools and supplies I need to
do this and an old cigar box with bottles of paint.   Somehow, sitting in the shade on a picnic
table is more inspirational to me than sitting at a workbench when it comes to building these
items.   Again, I can do this while listening to the ham radio.   And I'm still camping to boot!
What can I say.   Mother Nature provides us with an absolute photographers paradise.   And since
most campgrounds are located in rural or semi-rural areas, there are an abundance of landscapes
just begging to have their images captured.   And of course there are the wildlife and beautiful
flowers also.   And yes, I can listen to ham radio while doing photography also.
As you might expect, the same things apply to videography as in photography.   Okay, you got me
on this one.   Most of the time, I can't listen to ham radio while doing videography, but
not all of the time.
Most campgrounds are located near hiking trails.   Those that aren't still offer hiking the local
backroads.   Hiking to me offers a chance to get some exercise, commune with nature, be introspective
and listen to ham radio.   No!   Really!   I have a couple small handheld radios that I take with
me when I go hiking.   You never know when you might need to make a call for help, and a ham radio
on the hip can be a real lifesaver.   You thought I was kidding!
Whether I'm riding the interior roads of the campground or the backroads of the area around the
the campground, I really enjoy bicycling.   The exercise, fresh air and watching the scenery go
by at an easy pace are just some of the enticements.   Of course, I listen to the ham radio
while I'm riding also, and for all the same reasons that I carry one when I'm hiking.
Well, if you've been reading carefully and haven't skipped anything to get here, you probably
know that I like to go dancing.   Yep, a rare quality in a male of the species.   And earlier on
this page, I made a reference to some campgrounds holding dances.   If you've been following the
links up to now, you may have noticed that I am also the webmaster for the Southern Maryland
Country Western Dance Association's webpages.   As such, I've done a bit of research into the
subject of campground dances.   The result is a section on the topic on the SMCWDA website that
contains semi-reviews of the campground dances I've been to and a listing of the campgrounds
that I know hold scheduled dances.   I find it really enjoyable to go to a dance at the campground
and meet many of our camping neighbors.   Besides that, it gives me an opportunity to get a little
extra dancing in and to sample some of the dances from other places.   Okay, I don't listen to
the ham radio when I'm dancing.
If you are interested in learning more about dancing at campgrounds, allow me to point you directly
to the appropriate spot on the SMCWDA webpage.   Of course, you will have to use your "BACK"
button to get yourself back here.   So, click on this.