Couples dances, as their name implies, are performed as a couple. Typically, the man leads and the lady follows, though not always. Each dance is performed around a basic step sequence from which all turns and patterns are added to at the whim of the leader. Because of this individual freedom to create a dance as the music moves you, each couple on the floor may be doing the same dance, yet the look may be radically different.

Though there are certainly many more couples dances than I have listed below, these are the one's I enjoy the most. None of which am I greatly proficient at though. But, that doesn't stop me from having fun!


Choreographed partner dances, again as the name implies, are performed as a couple, but are done to a choreographed step sequence. There is of course room for variation to alleviate bordom, but the variations should not alter the look and feel of the original choreography. These dances are usually flowing and graceful, and all dancers on the floor are performing them in sync, which often adds to the beauty of the dance. The dances normally begin with the first beat of the first verse of a song and are repeated over and over until the music fades.

Again, there are hundreds of choreographed partner dances, many of which I have never seen. I have learned quite a few, but my list of favorites can be narrowed down to the one's listed below.


This is probably the most familiar C/W dance form to most people. These dances are typically performed individually to choreographed step sequences. The dancers form multiple lines on the dance floor and all perform the steps in sync. Many times, individual dancers will add variations to the basic choreography. As in the choreographed partner dances, the variations should not alter the look and feel of the original choreography. These dances range from the slow and graceful to the aerobic and jerky. Easy to learn dances are normally only 16 to 32 steps in length. Intermediate dances will run from 32 to 64 steps in length. Advanced dances can run anywhere from 32 steps to over 256 steps. The dances normally begin with the first beat of the first verse of a song and are repeated over and over until the music fades.

In this category, there are literally thousands of dances. I have well over 4000 step sheets of choreography in my library. As you might expect, I don't know them all. And again, I have my favorites which I've listed below.

If you would like to discuss C/W dancing with me, please send email to:

If you would like to see where I do most of my dancing, please check out the webpage of the Southern Maryland Country Western Dance Association.